Interested in Becoming a Coach?
1. Apply to be a Coach
First, apply to be a coach! Fill this application out and a board member will contact you through WhatsApp or email for an interview.
2. Coach Interview
Second, your coach interview will occur. This meeting will take no longer than 15 minutes. It's for Eon to meet the interviewee and for the coach applicant to become acquainted with Eon English.
3. Student Pairings​
Lastly, the board will assign you a student. All communication is with the parent or student through WhatsApp.
Able to communicate fluently in Spanish
Flexible timing throughout the week
​Tentative Season 16 dates: September 13-December 20 (subject to change)
Able to communicate via WhatsApp
Completed elementary school
Here is an example of what you will teach:
If all criteria is met and you are interested, please click "apply here!" (above)
You may earn the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)​